Jews and Muslims

Jews & Muslims

We are cousins. 

We shouldn’t fight each other. 

I’m fortunate enough to have lived among many different types of people, of different races, of differing cultures and religions. I’ve lived overseas for a few years, studying in the UK & USA. I did my upper secondary education at a grammar school in London, which was next to a Comprehensive school, sharing the same courtyard & playground. That was my first encounter with a Jew. Sheltered as it was in Malaysia, we never identified them in the late 60s, among peoples of different religions. His name was Owen. Not sure if it was his first name or surname. I realised this when the first Friday arrived and he had a yarmulke on. His side burns were curled & long. Since both of us don’t frequent the canteen, we spent lots of time chatting in our room, having sandwiches for lunch. Once, we ventured onto the courtyard to walk around & this kid from the Comprehensive school racially abused me, and Owen came to confront him. “This is my friend, don’t disturb him,” he said. It was peaceful after that. 

My university days were uneventful in terms of religious & racial prejudices while at a  UK university. In the US, in the early 80s I note more prejudices reared their ugly heads. I had my wife with me then,  and we befriended many foreign & local students. Islamic awareness among Malaysian students was on the rise. Their thoughts became radical. Mixing with others who are not Muslims were looked down upon. We were not so conscious of these differences and took in our care children of a Jewish family and a Christian family. We did so to supplement my scholarship. We persisted even though Malaysians and Arabs provided us, unsolicited advice regarding it!

As you can see, we are blind to these prejudices. It did not matter at all. I particularly feel social media can mislead. I am against genocide, war, apartheid and such. I often liked or shared these atrocities on Twitter. It does not make me anti-Israel or pro-Palestine. 

My Islam is a religion of peace. 

[Note: This post came in the wake of seeing my followers on Twitter quickly reducing since early this year and I suspected it could be due to these actions of mine. My Twitter handle is @ajjamil for those who want to check!]

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